CTV Advertising

Over 75% of US households will have a connected TV

CTV advertising is short form online advertising targeted to relevant content channels and/or audience groups. Connected TV (CTV) refers to any TV that can be connected to the internet and access content beyond what is available via the normal offering from a cable provider. It also refers to devices that use a television as a display and can connect to the internet to access content.

CTV advertising is short form online advertising targeted to relevant content channels and/or audience groups. Connected TV (CTV) refers to any TV that can be connected to the internet and access content beyond what is available via the normal offering from a cable provider. It also refers to devices that use a television as a display and can connect to the internet to access content.

Quality Data

Identify viewers and non-viewers of TV content

  • Leverage Viant’s deterministic device graph to accurately reach target audiences
  • Unlock leading TV viewership insights powered by direct ACR data integrations with Inscape and Gracenote

Strategic Execution

Engage high-value TV audiences across premium publishers at scale

  • Extend exposure to audiences not consuming TV content for incremental reach
  • Leverage real-time retargeting to sequentially message engaged viewers with a call to action on a companion device
  • Capture audience attention from consumers exposed to competitors’ ads

    Scalable Premium Inventory

    • Private Marketplace (PMP): Direct publisher access
    • Full Episode Player (FEP): TV-like experiences across all devices
    • Connected TV (CTV): Video content consumed via internet on TVs only

    Robust Measurement Capabilities

    Close the loop by measuring attribution of your holistic video strategy

    • Gain insight into the consumer’s path to online/in-store purchase or store visitation
    • Understand attribution for exposed viewers of each individual channel and the overlapped audience
    • Know the impact that digital exposure has on driving program viewership

    Superior targeting capabilities

    Reach your most valuable and targeted viewers with CTV audience targeting.

    Measurable Results

    of your CTV campaigns with both digital and traditional metrics, including video completion rates.

    Growing Audience

    Targets millennials and the growing % of the population who do not have cable TV and are actively looking at “cutting the chord.”


    Increase Revenue

    By opening up this new sales channel to your advertisers, you will be able to capitalize on this trending growth area in digital advertising and increase your revenue

    Improve Customer Targeting

    By combining real-time user location (GPS) and location history, you can gain data about a consumer’s demographics and interests which can then be used to serve relevant ads.

    The Most Accurate Product on the Market

    Our Geofencing product is the most targeted and accurate on the market. Our advanced technology allows you to pinpoint your consumer location and ads better than ever before.